Last few months

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The last few months have been hectic, but wonderfully fruitful.

We launched Sunday morning meetings in September with a Hit the Streets event to publicise the launch. Fifty fantastic people from all over the East of England came to Kings Lynn for a day of training in one to one evangelism and then out on the streets to give out balloons and flyers, get into conversations and do questionnaires. Kieran Crowe, a young lad from St Ives, did some great training – we were well proud of him! We had a superb Chinese buffet and then talked to hundreds on the streets.

During September we grew by 20 people!

October was a busy month of administrating bookings for Together at East of England Conference – in the end 1200 people came for the weekend at Pontins near Lowestoft. We had an amazing time of worship, great teaching from Mike Betts and Terry Virgo and some superb interviews of Church planters “on the sofa with Maurice”. Mike & Em Reilly’s family, who have moved to Gdansk, were particularly stirring during their interview. The offering raised an amazing £53,000 including pledges.

This month we are looking forward to another Hit the Streets – on Sat 28th Nov. This time the King’s Arms treasure hunting team will be training on using spiritual gifts in street evangelism.

They have seen dozens healed and we are looking forward to a mighty time of healing, salvation and deliverance! Do join us on Sat 28th if you can – it’s free! Details are on the church website

Please pray…

  1. For continued growth during this launch period
  2. Good foundations to be laid in people’s lives
  3. 50 to come on the 28th Nov to Hit the Streets!


Andy Moyle is a church leader and web developer. His biggest project is the Church Admin WordPress plugin and app. He also runs, mainly so he can eat pizza.