Bulk WordPress Password Reset

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Reset by Orse on flikr.com
Reset by Orse on flikr.com
Sometimes it is a good idea to reset all the passwords for your WordPress website and email the users to let them know their new password. Especially when you have been hacked – if you have been hacked, read about what to do

My emergency password reset plugin will regenerate every user’s password and email it to them. If you have been hacked, I advise you change all the SALTS in wp-config.php, which forces all users to log out too. WordPress.org provides a tool to generate new SALTS.

To us my bulk emergency password reset and email plugin…

1) Download the emergency-password-reset at wordpress.org plugin
2) Upload the zip file to your plugins directory and activate.
3) If you are and administrator you can click on “Reset all Passwords” – the plugin will generate new more secure passwords and let all the users know.

Hope you find it useful



Andy Moyle is a church leader and web developer. His biggest project is the Church Admin WordPress plugin and app. He also runs, mainly so he can eat pizza.