Not sure why you are called to King’s Lynn?

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I’m pretty sure God has called people to move to King’s Lynn, perhaps you are one of them, but you are not sure why. Well done for obeying God – Abraham did the same in Gen 12.

You are not alone either! The first time I drove under the South Gate was in 2006. God spoke to me clearly “Call it The Gateway and it will be a gateway for the Gospel to go to the nations.” I was on my way to a Norfolk Newfrontiers Leaders Prayer meeting, where we would be praying about whether to plant a church in this great town. It was clear that God was calling me privately in the car and then at the prayer meeting, there was a prophetic ambush for the public call.

You may be wondering why God called you to move here. There are three church plants, that I know of, currently here alongside some great Gospel preaching churches already working her. Humanly speaking, that is bonkers in a town of 45,000 people. But God gave a clear call to each of the church plant leaders and we often pray together because we are excited about what God is going to do. God is on the move and we are believing for a move of God here! So in God’s purposes 3 plants in a small market town is right on! There are 43,000 people drifting to a lost eternity and 130,000 living in the area with the same lack of destiny.

We have been here 5 years now and we are building a Gateway for the Gospel to goto the nations – I was really excited to see our first international convert a few weeks ago.

The Gateway Church gathers on Sundays and in small groups, does Healing on the Streets every week in town and runs a fortnightly International Cafe and International Youth club as outreach projects.

If you are not sure why you are called to come to King’s Lynn, then why not try us out and join in what God is doing with us? all the details are at



Andy Moyle is a church leader and web developer. His biggest project is the Church Admin WordPress plugin and app. He also runs, mainly so he can eat pizza.